TAL Hospitals HealthFest – Oct 18th | Join the discussion with our founder Roopali in the Mind-Tech Connection panel

Morning Rituals: A Healing Walk Through Faith and Reflection

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In the prayer there is It starts with inaudible It starts with Sanskrit And then it goes to Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim That is for Muslims Then for the Sikhs Wahe Guru inaudible And then English, lead kindly light amid the uncertainty inaudible Interviewer: So you do this as you walk? I do this as I walk This has been my routine since I was 56 1956, in the Chancellor's camp, *inaudible name* used to do this They used to call 20 selected male students from universities inaudible it was *inaudible* university They used to put it on one station His father used to come and do this morning prayer Interviewer: So how much time does it take to do this? This prayer takes about 5-7 minutes But after that for the rest of the time I do inaudible I do this for 25, 20 minutes Then after that For 10 minutes I walk round round round Then after that inaudible My morning walk is 45 minutes Devoted to this Interviewer: very nice

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