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Balancing Family Life and Personal Ambitions Through Challenges

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hello auntie hello hello lukali it's always nice to talk to you yeah you too so i know i've seen you over the years i've seen you since you were six years old yes sir i have a lot of pleasant memories of you yeah totally and i went to your parents Growing up house and also your in-laws house and i noticed a little bit of a difference you know you grew up in this uh really different kind of atmosphere from a small household to a joint family tell me a little bit about how you got married and how was life then yeah actually it didn't matter to me Joint family whether i was going into a joint family or a single molecule family basically what i required in a man to get married uh my husband had all that it didn't even matter to me that he was living in a joint family because i had never seen one so i thought it would be very similar to where i was living where my father was a bureaucrat and with lots of servants so we were a little spoiled so there was a lot of apprehension from my parents side whether i would adjust in the joint family but i didn't it was quite easy sailing for me because my in-laws was gem of people they gave in to every wish of mine i was a little paranoid about my daughter's education and their studies so you know whenever they came back from school i would just lock them up in a room and say now do your homework and my mother always said we leave them alone and then i said i said you i'll listen to everything you say but so far the education goes i will not give it yeah and she adjusted to that also so i have no regrets in fact i have very good memories my children grew up well they have learned to adjust in life because they grew up in a joint family they can share everything with everybody so auntie also um we had talked a little bit about what you wanted to do right yeah you all have gone through so many different circumstances what was it that you wanted to do and what have you achieved in life well for me i was ambitious in a way i Regrets went to the delhi and radio and college in my home science then i wanted to study further but then i had a mishap i wanted to become a nutritionist but then i had a fracture we didn't heal for one and a half years the humerus got broken and had to be operated and there were a lot of complications and then by that time then my parents precious started rising for me to get married so the question of my doing of course but they still died with my plaster i taught in the colleges in jaipur for about a year i'll tell you what we were here yeah that was a very good experience in fact after i got married and i wanted to give it up the principal there was somebody called mr way she came to my in-laws and said you are very enlightened and modern people why don't you allow your daughter not to work so they turned around and said it's not we are refusing it's a husband okay it's a husband who keeps traveling because he's a town planner so he said he wants her to company or wherever he goes so i couldn't work anymore but then still i wanted to do something so then i opened the boutique in fact my daughter was in lsr and she would often say mommy my friends want what i'm wearing so i said then why don't i start something of my own and then i opened a boutique which lasted for a year or two and so that was good but that's all i did i would have probably done better and you know had a bigger boutique and everything but then my my children took up a lot of my time yeah you got a good job well i don't know that but yes i did i mean for me they were foremost yeah so then i couldn't pursue any more career but sometimes i do regret that i wish i had pursue because i am basically i'm into designing and in the interiors of our house and all that so i'm very fond of that so if i have to sit partly and not do anything if i don't i'm a people's person i like to meet people talk to people in fact my daughter used to always say that when my friends come over why do you toss it and talk to them for so long yeah why don't you me too so hopefully i'll get one of your creations again definitely definitely great talking to you nice lovely talking to you

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